Friday, May 29, 2009

Too good not to share

Since I'm a little - okay, okay - a lot nerdy, I don't quite possess the social fortitude to post this to Facebook profile to lay bare my geeky streak, and I do know that this is a family blog (which, as a small aside, the world "blog" seems like onomonopia for "barf," so suddenly I feel myself unfettered by the confines of good grammar - and here I can hear - ha! homophones - here/hear - Andy shrieking, "Good heavens, Heather! Have a conscience!" - yessss, yesssss, I've let myself streak through the blog in a whirl of unchecked typing - okay, okay, enough for the aside or the five asides so unceremoniously wrapped into one), but with whom better to share such a fantastic discovery? Feast upon this (Gumboots for Clarinet and String Quartet - seemingly "out there" in the opening few bars, but just divine the more and more it picks up, particularly with some of the later jigs - what a fantastic find!). Anyway, I thought this quite the lovely piece with its moving melodies and untempered hemiolas (2 pushing against 3)! Love you all!!!

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